Tools for Rehabbing Tendonitis

An overuse injury resulting from inflammation of the tendons in the foot or ankle

Tendonitis relief and care for pain-free, flexible movement. Learn more

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What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons, the thick cords that connect muscles to bones, often caused by repetitive overuse or strain. It most commonly appears in individuals who engage in repetitive activities or motions, such as athletes, manual laborers, and those with jobs involving repetitive movements. Additionally, it is more likely to occur in older adults, as tendons become less flexible and more prone to injury with age.

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How to prevent Tendonitis?

To prevent tendonitis, warm up properly before activities, gradually increase workout intensity, and use correct technique and posture. Wear wide toe box footwear, stretch and strengthen surrounding foot muscles, and take breaks to avoid overuse. Listen to your body and rest when needed to allow tendons to recover.

Simple Solutions for Everyone

You can easily relieve and help prevent tendonitis with simple exercises

Relieve Tension

  1. Put the roller on the floor in front of you.
  2. Place one foot on top of the roller.
  3. Gently move the roller backwards and forwards.
  4. Repeat with your other foot.

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The content provided by The Rehab Mechanics is for informational purposes only. For personalised advice and to ensure any activity is suitable for your specific health needs, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. Always seek professional guidance for any medical conditions, symptoms, or concerns.